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Portfolio Workflow

The images below are the current process(s) I take to ultimately produce and maintain the portfolio I've built thus far. Some slight changes may be implemented as time goes on, although, this is the primary path I take.

SQL Tools

  • Azure Studio

  • MySQL

  • SSMS

  • T-SQL

  • SSIS

Python Tools

  • Pandas

  • Requests

  • CoinGeckoAPI

  • Pendulum

  • Datetime

  • Numpy

BI Software

  • Power BI

  • Tableau

Other Applications

  • Visual Studio

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Excel

  • VM Software (Teamviewer/Windows)

  • Git (GitHub)

Computer Keyboard

New Workflow in Progress

In the process of remapping the previous ETL and warehouse architecture. Stay tuned for more updates!

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